Cannabis storage is the most important step in any cannabis cultivation. Storing cannabis usually is overlooked by the harvesting, trimming and curing. However, properly storing weed preserves its shelf life maintaining potency, flavor and aroma for as long as possible. There’s more to properly storing weed then just putting it in a stash box. Lets dive into the ends and outs of cannabis storage to maximize your buds potency.

Importance Of Proper Cannabis Storage

Properly storing cannabis preserves the quality, potency, and safety of the flower. A dark cool area and airtight container keeps your THC levels high and bud fresher. While common storage mistakes, such as leaving a stash exposed to light, air, or high humidity levels can significantly damage your bud. 

THC Loss During Cannabis Storage

THC in cannabis degrades overtime and is accelerated by higher temperatures. Its crucial to maintain consistent temperatures and humidity during cannabis storage. You can read the full study on THC loss over time during cannabis storage here.

graph of THC loss over time
Graph of THC loss during cannabis storage

Cannabis Storage Time Frame

THC degrades 6% year over year, which is why its recommended you should only store cannabis for 1 to 2 years. This time frame minimizes THC and potency loss and keeps your buds fresh. To capitalize on this make sure to cycle your stored weed every 1 to 2 years.

How To Keep Cannabis In Storage

After you understand the importance of cannabis storage, have a location and container picked out, its time to store your buds.

1. Place Cannabis In Container

Pick out your container and place the cannabis inside with a humidity pack or sensor. Below is a guide to choosing the best cannabis container.

Expert Container Tips

  • Avoid over-stuffing your container, tightly packed but don’t damage you buds.
  • Write the strain and storage date on the container.

2. Stash Away Containers

Once your weed is in the air tight containers, place them in your desired storage location. We cover the best storage locations in a chart below.

Expert Tips

  • Store them separately from bongs, pipes

3. Manage Storage Environment

We cover more on ideal cannabis storage conditions later but here are two main points. Keep temps below 70 degrees and humidity between 55% and 65%. Its important to set up humidity sensors and thermometers to monitor these crucial storage factors. 

Environmental Monitoring Tips

  • Write down the temperature and humidity levels during check-ins.
  • A dual use hygrometer and thermometer is a helpful tool for every grower.
  • Advanced monitoring sensors allow for remote check-ins and text alerts.

3. Regular check ins

Maintain a constant schedule of checking in on your stored cannabis weekly or bi-weekly. Take note of changes in aroma and look for signs of pests. This could an indicator that your cannabis storage containers are damaged or leaking.

The Dont’s Cannabis Storage

Proper cannabis storage can be tricky so avoid these common pitfalls as a newer grower.

  • Don’t grind your weed before storage.
  • Don’t store your buds alongside cannabis products.
  • Avoid cigar or Tobacco humidors.
  • Don’t use attics, freezers, or refrigerators.
  • Don’t use plastic for long term storage.
cannabis in dark storage room

Best Cannabis Storing Conditions

The best cannabis storing conditions balance 4 key factors, temperature, humidity, light exposure, and air control. Ensuring these conditions are optimal extends the freshness and potency of your cannabis. 

Ideal Storage Temperature For Cannabis

Cannabis should be stored in a cool environment, ideally below 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). High temperatures accelerate the degradation of cannabinoids and terpenes, while extreme cold can also damage the plant’s properties. Frozen cannabis can lead to trichomes becoming brittle and breaking off. Consistent, moderate temperatures prevent the growth of mold and mildew.

Best Humidity For Cannabis Storage

The relative humidity (RH) for cannabis storage should be between 55% and 65%. This range is critical to prevent the growth of mold and mildew while avoiding the over-drying of the cannabis. Humidity control can be managed using humidity packs, which maintain the optimal moisture level within the storage container.

Ideal Light Levels During Storage

Storing cannabis in a dark place or using containers that block UV light, such as tinted glass jars, is highly recommended. This is because direct sunlight or any intense light can degrade cannabis over time. UV rays specifically can break down cannabinoids, leading to a loss in freshness. 

Air Control and Storage

While some air circulation is necessary to prevent mold, too much air can dry out the cannabis and degrade its quality. Airtight containers are ideal for storing cannabis as they limit air exposure. This not only preserves the cannabis but also helps in containing its aroma.

Ideal Cannabis Storage Locations

The best locations for storing cannabis are cool, dark, and dry places that maintain stable conditions, minimizing exposure to elements that can degrade its quality. Below is a map of the best places to store cannabis in a house.

map of where to store weed in a house

Cannabis Storage Location Chart

Use this chart to help determine the best location for your weed storage.

LocationLight AirflowTemperatureHumidityCost
High-Tech RoomLowLowLowLowHigh

Cool and Dark Cupboards

Cupboards, especially those away from heat sources like ovens or radiators, offer an excellent environment for cannabis storage. They typically maintain a consistent temperature and are naturally dark when closed, providing protection from light and heat. 


A closet is an ideal storage location because its usually opened less then a cupboard reducing airflow. It’s typically dark and, if away from external walls, can offer a consistent temperature that’s perfect for cannabis storage. A closet is likely the most common place you will find cannabis being stored.

Basement Storage

Basements, if you have one, can provide a consistently cool and dark environment. However, it’s important to ensure that the basement is dry and free from humidity, as excessive moisture can encourage mold growth in cannabis.

Attic Storage

Attics may seem like a good place to store weed because they are dark. However, attics can become extremely hot in summers or when the heater is on. Its not recommend to use an attic for storage.

Refrigerator Or Freezer Storage

Refrigerators and freezers like attics may seem like a good place to store weed on the surface. However, they are high in humidity and the extremely low temps can damage trichomes. 

Advanced Storage Locations

In large commercial cannabis grows, high-tech storage rooms play a pivotal role in preserving the quality and potency of the harvest at scale. These advanced storage areas are meticulously designed to offer precise environmental control. High-tech humidity sensors, occupancy detection, thermal cameras, air flow control, the list goes on. Each piece of technology is used to maintain a LPs ideal temperature down the very last bud.

cannabis in metal storage container

Choosing A Weed Storage Container

The right container can significantly extend the shelf life of cannabis by protecting it from external elements that lead to degradation.

Cannabis Storage Container Chart

This chat can aide you in choosing the best marijuana flower storage container.

ContainerDurabilityAirflowTemperature ResistanceStorage TimeCost
Mason JarMediumLowLowYearsLow
Metal ContainerHighLowMediumYearsMedium
Vacuum Seal BagsLowMediumMedium1-2 WeeksMedium
High-Tech ContainerHighLowLowYearsHigh
Sandwich BagsLowHighHigh1-2 HoursLow

Glass Mason Jars

Glass mason jars are used for their airtight seals and inert nature. By far the most common choice since they don’t impart any flavors to the cannabis and effectively block air exchange. For added protection from light, consider using tinted glass jars. Additionally mini humidity sensors can be placed in the lid for easy monitoring.

Metal Containers

Metal containers with airtight seals provide excellent protection from light and air. They are durable, and if properly lined, they can be an effective option for long-term cannabis storage. They can withstand falls and drops unlike mason jars and have a larger size range.

Vacuumed Sealed Bags

For short-term storage or for those who need a more space-efficient solution, vacuum-sealed bags can be effective. They remove air from around the cannabis, reducing the risk of oxidation and degradation. But the plastic nature of the bag can let air into the sealed cannabis flower. Its best to only use vacuum sealed bags for short term

Sandwich Bags

Plastic sandwich bags may be common in movies or tv shows. But these zips are not resistant to air, light, temperature or humidity. They also contain harmful chemicals that over time can seep into your cannabis bud. Reducing, potency, aroma, and safety, of your weed.

High Tech Containers

Advanced cannabis stash boxes offer humidity sensors and precise air flow control. They are more expensive but offer innovative features that cannabis growers love.

Storing Other Cannabis Products

Storing THC cartridges, gummies, CBD, and joints differs from regular cannabis storage since its not in its organic herb form. To store these cannabis items follow the instructions on the packaging for most items but here is a good rule of thumb for each.


Store THC cartridges in upright in a cool room temperature area away from light.

Edibles or Gummies

For best results follow the packaging but otherwise store these items in an airtight container in your fridge.

Oils and Tropicals

For cartridges follow the same practices for THC carts, and for topical creams store them in the fridge away from water.

Joints and Pre-Rolls

Store these items in a cool dark area in airtight packaging to maintain potency and freshness.


Wrap Up

Remember to store your cannabis in an airtight container away from heat, humidity, and light. Keep the location cool, under 70 degrees, but above freezing and with humidity around 60% humidity. For cannabis products like THC carts, joints, and edibles, store them in the same environment or fridge, dependent on what they are. Following these guidelines will ensure your cannabis stays fresh and maintains potency for years.

Categories: Lifestyle


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